"The Mikado" at Fishguard

"The Mikado" at Fishguard.
David Williams. (Studio Jon Photo)
Mikado 1957
Ysgol Bro Gwaun

In April, 1957, one of the most popular of Gilbert & Sullivan’s comic operas, “The Mikado” was presented at the Fishguard Grammar/Secondary School theatre last Friday & Saturday by the School Operatic Society.

The spacious and magnificently appointed new theatre was filled to capacity at all the performances, practically all the seating accommodation having been reserved, and patrons were present from many parts of the county.

From principals to chorus, the young people put on a really splendid performance which won high praise and admiration.

Tributes of commendation are due to all concerned in the production. …..not only the pupils who took an active stage role, and those responsible for their training……but also the hundreds of “Backroom Boys” (and girls) and “behind the scene” workers. For while the major task was that of the Music Department, practically every other department in school had its part to play- the Woodwork and Arts Departments for example, in constructing  the elaborate scenery, the spectacular effect of which, with the authentic touch provided by the colourful costumes, formed the perfect background to this successful production. All these, together with the Guest Conductor (Mr T.G Lewis) and members of the augmented Hubberston Orchestra, share in the messages and expressions of congratulations the Headmaster (Mr David Hughes, BSc) and Producer (Mr Trevor Ll. Phillips B.A.,) have been receiving daily.

“The Mikado” has revealed a wealth of musical, histrionic and artistic talent in the Fishguard Grammar/Secondary School.

The principals can be named as L-R Morris Evans; Jean Thomas; Tony Roper; Kay Feetham; ? Thomas; Nigel Drake.

In front L-R Alun Phillips; Jillian Miles; Marion Smith.

Who can remember which characters from the opera they portrayed?

Since the 50’s Fishguard Grammar/Secondary school has be renamed several times! It is known today as Ysgol Bro Gwaun as can be seen on the map.

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