GWR Outing 1932

Yn 1932 trefnwyd cinio ar gyfer staff y swyddfa barseli yng ngorsaf y reilffordd y GWR yn Wdig. Ar yr achlysur hwn 5 swllt oedd cost y ginio ac fe arwyddodd y staff y fwydlen cyn ymadael. Mae’r wybodaeth sydd ar ochr arall y daflen yn egluro manylion gwahanol deithiau a oedd wedi eu trefnu ar gyfer y tymor.In 1932 a dinner was organized for the staff of the parcels office at the GWR railway station at Goodwick. On this occasion the cost was 5 shillings and the staff signed the menu before leaving. The information on the other side of the leaflet explains the details of different trips that were available for the season.

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