Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Frenhinol 1936, Abergwaun / Royal National Eisteddfod 1936 Fishguard

David Lloyd George yn Abergwaun / David Lloyd George at Fishguard
Pwyllgor yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 1936, Abergwaun / Executive Committee of National Eisteddfod 1936 Fishguard
Casgliad Miss Rosina Vittle Collection
Pwyllgor yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 1936, Abergwaun / Executive Committee of National Eisteddfod 1936 Fishguard
Casgliad Miss Rosina Vittle Collection
Prif swyddogion yr Eisteddfod o bapur newydd arbennig Y County Echo, Awst 1936 / The chief officers of the Eisteddfod from the special County Echo, August 1936
Secretaries & Assistant Secretaries of the 1936 Eisteddfod. Fishguard

Atgofion o weithgareddau Awst 1936. Lluniau swyddogol o’r Eisteddfod a ymddangosodd ym mhapur arbennig y ‘County Echo’.

Roedd yr Eisteddfod yn Abergwaun yn llwyddiant mawr. Yr oedd 15 mil o bobl yn bresennol ar gyfer araeth David Lloyd George – llawer yn fwy nag oedd yn bosib eu cael i mewn i’r babell. Cafwyd peth trafferth gyda’r system sain, ond ni wnaeth hynny ddifetha’r hwyl. Derbyniwyd ymwelwyr i aros yn 90% o dai’r ardal dros gyfnod yr Ŵyl. Cafwyd gan y pwyllgor lleol fod £1,200 yn fwy o incwm nag o wariant yn dilyn yr wythnos. Swm sylweddol yn y cyfnod hwn.

Un a fu ynghlwm yn nhrefniadau’r wythnos we crwt ifanc o’r Dyffryn, Syd Walters. Deunaw oed oedd Syd, ac yn ddiweddarach, fe gofnododd ei atgpfion o’r Steddfod…..

Ym mis Awst 1936, cefais fy nghynnwys yn y fyddin o Stiwardiaid a oedd yn gwirfoddoli  yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru i’w chynnal ym Mharc Lota, Abergwaun. Y dyletswyddau a neilltuwyd i ni oedd tair sesiwn wrth y gatiau tro, chwe sesiwn yn y Pafiliwn. Roedd y naw sesiwn arall yn rhydd i ni.

Yn un o’r cyngherddau nos, a ddarlledwyd ar y radio, roedd Cerddorfa Symffoni y B.B.C. ar y llwyfan, ynghyd â Chôr yr Eisteddfod, dan arweiniad Mr Anthony.

Roeddwn i ar ddyletswydd wrth risiau’r llwyfan pan ddaeth y Telynor ataf a gofyn i mi ail-leoli telyn aur fawr Cymru. Aeth yr achlysur heibio yn ddisylw gan bawb yn y gynulleidfa o 5,000 o bobl, pawb ag eithrio fi. Nid wyf wedi cael fy mendithio ag unrhyw gryfder corfforol mawr – dim ond digon o egni. Pan geisiais godi’r Delyn fe rewais yn soled oherwydd ni allwn ei chodi. Rwy’n dal i gofio’r teimlad hwnnw. Ta beth, cyn bo hir fe ges i’r Delyn i’w lle.

O’r llu o bobl bwysig iawn i fynychu’r Eisteddfod, roedd yno’r Derwyddon, Caerwyn, Dyfnallt, Clydach, a Theifion. Roedd Llywyddion y Dydd yn cynnwys Dr Joseph Soar, Gwilym Lloyd George, Ivor Novello, David Lloyd George, Syr Walford Davies, Esgob Tyddewi a George Lansbury.

Yn ystod fy sesiynau rhydd, bûm yn ffodus i gael llofnodion gan Hannan Swaffer, Gwilym Lloyd George, y Fonesig Clara Novello Davies, Telynores Tawe, Syr Walford Davies, Idris Daniels a, George Lansbury.

Roedd y cyngerdd nos Iau yn cynnwys Idris Daniels fel un o’r Artistiaid. Hyfrydwch mawr oedd cael cyfarfod a siarad ag ef. Roedd wedi lletya lawer gwaith yn fy nghartref. Dro arall bu’n rhaid i mi aros yn y Lolfa VIP gydag Isobel Baillie tra aeth cynrychiolydd y Pwyllgor Croeso i gwrdd ag ymwelydd arall.”

Memories of the activities of August 1936 from the official photos of the Eisteddfod and the special commemorative paper printed by The County Echo.

The Eisteddfod in Fishguard was a great success. 15 thousand people were present for David Lloyd George’s speech – many more than it was possible to get into the tent. There was some trouble with the sound system, but that didn’t spoil the fun. Visitors were accepted to stay in 90% of the houses in the area during the Festival. The local committee announced a financial success –  £1,200 more income than expenditure following the week’s activity. A significant amount in this period.

An eighteen year old lad from Dyffryn, Goodwick called Syd Walters volunteered to help out at the Eisteddfod. Later, he noted down his recollections…..

In the August of 1936 I was included in the army of Stewards  required at the National Eisteddfod of Wales to be held at Lota Park, Fishguard. The duties allocated were three sessions at the turnstiles, six sessions in the Pavillion. The remaining nine sessions were free.

At one of the evening concerts, which was broadcast on the radio, the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra was on stage, together with the Eisteddfod Choir, conducted by Mr Anthony.

I was on duty at the stage steps when the Harpist beckoned me up and asked me to reposition the big golden harp of Wales. The occasion really passed unnoticed by everyone in the audience of 5,000 people, except me. I have not been blessed with any great amount of physical strength – just plenty of energy. When I tried to lift the Harp I froze solid because I just could not lift it. I still remember that feeling. However I soon rallied and wriggled the Harp into position.

Of the many very important people to attend the Eisteddfod, there included the Druids, Caerwyn, Dyfnallt, Clydach, and Teifion. The Presidents of the Day included Dr Joseph Soar, Gwilym Lloyd George, Ivor Novello, David Lloyd George, Sir Walford Davies, the Bishop of St Davids and George Lansbury.

During my free sessions I was fortunate to obtain autographs from Hannan Swaffer, Gwilym Lloyd George, Dame Clara Novello Davies, Telynores Tawe, Sir Walford Davies, Idris Daniels and, George Lansbury.

The Thursday evening concert included Idris Daniels as one of the Artistes. It was a great delight for me to meet and talk with him. He had lodged many times in my home. On another occasion I had to stay in the V.I.P. Lounge with Isobel Baillie whilst the Reception Committee went to meet another visitor.”

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